The Caffeinated Chemist

McCafé Premium Medium Roast Ground Coffee

Is McDonald’s coffee any good? This McCafe Premium Medium Roast Ground Coffee exceeded expectations. When we think about McDonald’s food it is only natural to think of cheap, greasy food that wreaks havoc on our health. Not so with this coffee. What you get in their premium medium roast coffee is a nicely balanced cup with a mild but flavorful taste and a pleasantly sweet aroma. Nutty undertones (hazelnut?) along with light citrus hints separate this roast from other brands.

This is a medium roast coffee that stands in stark contrast to some of the darker roasts that are expected from other chains like Starbucks or Pete’s Coffee. McCafe uses 100% Arabica beans grown in the mountainous regions of Central and South America. It has a smooth mouthfeel but the is lacking a strong body that would have otherwise made this blend so much better. As mentioned, the aroma is pleasant with light fruity hints. However, I do wish the aroma was stronger… One thing to note is its surprisingly high caffeine content which is great if you’re looking for a morning jolt. According to The Caffeine Informer, a 16 oz cup has nearly 150 mg of caffeine. To put things into perspective, a cup of green tea typically contains 20-30 mg of caffeine.

Overall, if you are looking for an affordable, well-rounded cup of coffee I highly recommend you join the over 20,000 individuals who have checked out this McCafe Premium Medium Roast Ground Coffee. I think you may be pleasantly surprised.


As always, I have posted the Amazon link below under “Check Pricing”. If you choose to try this coffee out and purchase it through the affiliate link below it will greatly help me to keep producing new content and reviews at no extra cost to you. 🙂 Thanks!


Overall-Flavor:8.5 out of 10 stars (8.5 / 10)
Aroma:8 out of 10 stars (8.0 / 10)
Body:4.5 out of 10 stars (4.5 / 10)
Balance:9 out of 10 stars (9.0 / 10)
Aftertaste:6 out of 10 stars (6.0 / 10)
Strength:7.5 out of 10 stars (7.5 / 10)
Price:9 out of 10 stars (9.0 / 10)
Average:7.5 out of 10 stars (7.5 / 10)
Acidity(low-to-high):6 out of 10 stars (6 / 10)

McCafé Premium Medium Roast Ground Coffee





  • Great balanced cup
  • Actually good, smooth flavor
  • Sweet aroma
  • Affordable


  • Lacking body
  • Aroma could be slightly stronger
  • Better taste than aftertaste


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